Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturn Returns

If the alignment of the planets are to be believed, I am entering my years of thinking dangerously. I'm afraid to say that I'm afraid. I've been there before and I know how thoroughly I can destroy myself.

As always, the answer came during an extended shower. It's surprising that it's something that I've used carelessly and often in the course of my job.It's almost a cliche really.


Sustainability in my passion for work, sustainability in valuing what I have, sustainability in keeping relationships, sustainability in generally keeping self and sanity together.

Bring it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


When I was in college I used to break the monotony of listening to my cassette tapes and FM favorites by tuning in to shortwave radio. Much of what I caught was unintelligible gibberish but once in a while I would hear music. The ones I enjoyed most were instrumental Chinese music that I could only describe as eerily beautiful.

I miss these surprise discoveries that open up my mind to wonder beyond the here and now. For the last few months I’ve been fiddling with the dial and impatiently rifling through my collection of good old reliables. I can’t sit still long enough to finish a song. Either that or I loop the same song for days. It seems that I’ve exhausted my playlist yet again. I must get back to the unexpected joys of shortwave soon.

I wonder what’s on.