Thursday, February 18, 2010

And the final is me

In a fit of self-righteous pique I determined that I would win every pitch that came my way. Now I have three new accounts—upping my accounts to a grand total of eight—and a burning desire to leave it all behind and just blog for a living. Why is it that whenever I get what I want, I end up not wanting it after all? Just last month I wanted to burn all my recently-acquired worldly goods and methodically trash my apartment. The same apartment that, three months before, I obsessively and methodically slaved to fix. Why, because when I finally moved in, I realized that I wasn’t as happy as I thought I would be. It’s very confusing. In late 2007 I awoke from a deep coma and discovered single-mindedness. Since then, I’ve been single-mindedly going after what I thought I wanted, and with great success too. Job in dream company, check; car, check; apartment, check; marquee accounts, check; promotion, check. I thought I’d be ecstatic by now but I’m not. There’s something missing or I may have lost something along the way. Could it be…me?

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