Saturday, September 04, 2010

Why I Do What I Do

A few months ago I was seized by a mixture of disappointment and uncertainty about my company. Actually it was more about being torn between great love and great disappointment. And so to clear my head of false sentimentality about Ogilvy and, ultimately, help me decide whether I should stay or go, I decided to focus instead of why I do what I do and if indeed Ogilvy is the place that will allow me to do what I love to do. And so one night I sat down and wrote down this list.

  • I do it because I love getting the ungettable
  • I do it because I'm addicted to the thrill of the chase
  • I do it because I haven't done it before
  • I do it because it's there
  • I do it because I can
I'm curious to know how this laundry list will evolve. In the meantime, I guess my blood remains Pantone 486.

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