Monday, October 23, 2006

Songs from my guni-guni

Being a music whore I have a knack for remembering song titles and artists’ names. Even those I don’t like (God help me but I still know the name of the guy who sang “Classic”. It’s Adrian Gurvitz.). What gets me are the songs that I only know phrases of. The worst thing is when no one remembers hearing them. One song in particular bugged me for years. I remember hearing it quite regularly on Kiss FM and yet not one of my fellow music whores seems to have heard of it.

After several years I began to think, “Baka naman guni-guni ko lang iyon?”

Yet it was real. As real as the 25-centavo Abevon Beverage I used to drink as a child which no person my age believes ever graced the hallowed refrigerators of sari-sari stores.

Well thank Jesus for piracy, I finally found the song. And tonight, thanks to Limewire and Mary Louise Parker, I found the other song I’ve relegated to my guni-guni collection: Roxy Music’s “To Turn You On.” Though I have to say, I remember it sounding more languid; the beat, not Bryan Ferry’s vocals. If he were any more languid he’d be dead. Or maybe they really did a slower one and I just found the other version. Like maybe one of those special singles that they loved cutting during the ‘80s.

Oh well, the hunt to disprove my guni-guni continues. And in the end...

“It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine.”

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