I deliberately avoid writing about current events in my blog because socio-political commentary is not really my thing. But when I read Archbishop Oscar Cruz’s remarks in the aftermath of the
Dear Bishop of Eternal Ignorance and Darkness, what exactly do you mean when you say “flaunting it around?” When a woman goes out wearing a mini skirt and a spaghetti-strapped shirt, does that constitute “flaunting” her womanhood? I think I can safely speak for all women when I categorically state that no woman, or at least no woman in her right mind, deliberately sets out to “invite” rape or any form of sexual harassment—whether she goes out in a bikini or a burkah. And by perpetuating the notion that women who act and appear cheap deserve to be sexually violated by men, you Bishop, have just condoned, nay encouraged, the rape of women. Congratulations, through your ignorant remarks you have set the cause of women back 1,000 years. I’m sure your Taliban friends will be happy.
Sadly, many in our society subscribe to the same twisted thinking that Bishop Cruz espouses. It is the old archetype of woman as seductress, maliciously tempting men and leading them to their doom. History and literature is rife with cautionary tales against falling for the sexual wiles of women, from the biblical Eve to the Sirens of Greek mythology to Nabokov’s Lolita. By telling women not to “flaunt” their sexuality, people like Bishop Cruz are demonizing women and by doing so, they are shifting the blame of rape from the rapist to the rape victim. In effect, they are saying it is the woman’s fault for giving men reason to rape them. As if men don’t have a choice in the matter! It is this generally cavalier attitude towards rape that forces victims to suffer in silent anguish and humiliation rather than bring their rapists to justice.
Then there’s Fr. James Reuter who insists that what happened wasn’t rape at all because it was consensual. Consent, James, not only means that the person must act freely and voluntarily, it must also preclude that the victim has full knowledge, understanding and acceptance of the nature of the act. Nicole was drunk out of her mind. Do you honestly believe that a person severely impaired by alcohol can act freely and have full knowledge, understanding and acceptance of what is happening to her?
It is prejudiced statements from men of the cloth like Fr. Reuter and Bishop Cruz that make me question why I bother to remain in a Church ruled by patriarchal, ignorant, sexist assholes. In the Bible, coveting, stealing and killing are three of the sins listed in the Ten Commandments. When a man rapes a women, he covets what he should not, steals what is not rightfully his, and by doing so, kills the woman’s spirit and sense of self-worth. You’d think these priests would at least remember these three commandments before they condemn Nicole and women in general. NO ONE deserves to be raped. Neither a sex worker nor the most virtuous woman on the planet. Not even when a woman is stoned or drunk out of her gourd or acting provocatively. NO ONE DESERVES TO BE RAPED.
Oscar, I would say “Putangina mo!” but that would be an insult to the prostitutes of the world. Instead I shall say “Tangaangina mo!” Your mother is a dumb bitch for raising her boy to become a sexist, ignorant, bigoted pig. May she burn in hell for what she’s done. And as for you, well, I take back what I said about no one deserving to be raped. Because obviously, you do. So here’s a Christmas wish from me to you: may you be gang-banged by five burly Americans with a frock fetish. (And that goes for your friend, James, too.)